Service & Outreach

      • The Food Pantry: takes place on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, at 4:00 in Fellowship Hall.

        The pantry offers healthy and nutritious food items and everyday supplies. Fresh fruits and vegetables are also available.

        When Salem’s Food Pantry first opened in October, 2015, barely a quarter of the parish hall was used for the shelves of food. Today almost half of the parish hall is being used for the shelves of food, tables full of fruits, vegetables, and bread products.

        Volunteers are always welcome. Interested individuals should email Joe Bales. Monetary contributions and food donations graciously accepted. To view our Facebook page click here.


    • CREATE: CREATE has a new chef/instructor, Aditi Groswami, who brings a wealth of experience with her own food-based business.
      In addition to time spent in the kitchen, the course includes classroom time devoted to helping the students develop interviewing and other essential skills.
      More about CREATE