On April 14th we gathered as the people of Salem Lutheran Church in Bridgeport, CT, for our last worship service in this beloved place. The service was not livestreamed. We have, however, asked Ephraim French Seventh Day Adventist Church’s tech team to record it for us – so that those who were not able to be with us here Sunday will be able to watch it.
We gathered on Sunday to give thanks for the ministry that has happened for and in and through this congregation and for the people who have been fed and nurtured in the Christian faith throughout the years. Even as we mark the end of an era in this place, we remember that we continue to be participants in God’s mission – a mission that continues beyond this day and beyond these walls – and each one of us has been commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go into all the world to witness and serve that all may know you, the God of boundless power and endless love.
Refill the Pantry
The Need is Great – You Can Help
Over 10 percent of Connecticut adults say they do not have enough money to buy food. According to estimates from Feeding America, more than 380,000 Connecticut residents struggle with hunger; more than 83,000 children are food insecure. These people include your neighbors.
You can make a difference. You can help “Refill the Pantries.” Eleven collections are planned in 2024 to support six food pantries in the area. Last year’s nine food drives contributed 17,700 pounds of food and over $12,000 to the pantries.
Mark your calendar for Saturday, May 25. Our next collection will be at the Stop&Shop at 200 E. Main Street, Stratford, for the Sterling House Food Pantry.
Volunteer time slots are available 9-11, 11-1, 1-3, and 3-5:00.
You can sign up at https://volunteersignup.org/TT8HE
Click here to read an article from the New England Synod about the “Refill the Pantry” program