Adult Programs & Learning


  • Prayer and Bible Study
    On Wednesday we have 2 wonderful opportunities to live into our mission of Encountering God, Building Relationships, and Changing Lives. The links are all on the calendar on our website at under the Resources Tab.
    * Every Wednesday at 12:00 noon we meet on zoom for prayer. You can pray out loud if you want, or you can simply ask others to pray for you or for the concerns on your mind or heart. 
    * Also, every Wednesday we meet at 7:00 as we study 1 Corinthians 1-4. The study is inspired by the book, Basic Christian Leadership: Biblical Models of Church, Gospel and Ministry by John Stott. As you know, Paul wrote to congregations who were facing challenges, and so we will be listening to how God is speaking to congregations today through Paul’s words. This week we’ll continue looking at 1 Corinthians 2.