March 28, 2019
The story of the 10 bridesmaids. 5 who had enough oil for their lamps and 5 who didn’t. We don’t carry around oil lamps today to light our way. What might a modern version of this story be about?
What is the story about? Is it about the 5 not sharing their oil? Is it about the bridegroom telling the 5 without oil “Sorry, I don’t know you”? Or is it about something else?
This Sunday we continue our Lenten journey. Sunday worship is at 9:30. Pastor Sara Anderson of the New England Synod staff will be our supply preacher this Sunday. There is no SNAC dinner church this Sunday.
Thursday, March 28
Food Pantry 4:00
Music Theatre Thursday 4:30
MMT Meal 6:00
Bible Study 7:30
Choir 7:30
Sunday, March 31
Worship 9:30
Coffee Hour 10:30
Adult Forum 10:45
NO SNAC Dinner church
Monday, April 1
Scout Troop 103 7:30
Tuesday, April 2
Book Club 12:00
Wednesday, April 3
Bible Study 9:30
Thursday, April 4
Music Theatre Thursday 4:30
MMT Meal 6:00
Bible Study 7:30
Choir 7:30